
Angel Number Necklace

Gold Filled Angel Number Pendant. 

Angel Numbers: Are considered a recurring number sequence phenomena that have become increasingly prevalent as hundreds of thousands of people worldwide become spiritually conscious. These repetitive number sequences that appear in seemingly random circumstances are messages shown to you by your angels and guides who want to communicate with you in order to relay a divine message or inspiration.

999 RELEASE: Certain aspects of your life are coming to a close, and an important cycle is ending. Trust that this is happening in accordance with a higher purpose and be prepared to release what is no longer serving you to make room for what your life purpose has in store.

222 ALIGNMENT: Maintain a harmonious and peaceful outlook in all areas of your life. Keep faith and stand strong in your personal truths in order to achieve alignment with your higher self.

333 SUPPORT: Your guides are near you, and are responding to your prayers. They wish to help and assist you in your personal development and progression towards your life purpose and soul mission

444 PROTECTION: You are being encouraged and divinely guided towards the work you need to complete. Your angels are offering yo positive energies, inner-strength and support. You are protected as you continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire.
